What is the SBA & How to Leverage it For Success, Part 2

May 29, 2024

5 min read

Executive Overview

Starting a small business is one of the most commanding aspects of the American dream. It is an energizing opportunity for burgeoning entrepreneurs to try something new, potentially make more money, satisfy a need in the market and the community, and run their operation the way they see fit. But while entrepreneurship is an exciting proposition, it is also a complex undertaking loaded with risk and the potential for frustration. This segment of our four part report will help you understand the basic elements of launching a business, offer a clear overview of the logistical challenges, best practices, and how to leverage Small Business Administration (SBA) programs and resources in order to successfully launch your business. Subsequent parts of this white paper will focus on managing operational needs such as leadership, managing growth, marketing, sales, human resources, sustainability, social responsibility, and exit strategies. By leveraging SBA programs, resources, and absorbing this common sense advice on launching a business, managing operational needs and financing your operations, you will have the upper hand when it comes to entering the competitive local marketplace.

Included in this Whitepaper:

  • Is Entrepreneurship Right for You?
  • Creating A Business Plan: The Elements
  • Choosing A Business Structure: Making it Legal
  • Financing Your Business
  • The Logistics of Running a Small Business

To learn how to effectively use the SBA to grow your small business, download Part 2: Starting a Small Business